
Download netlimiter 4 pro 破解
Download netlimiter 4 pro 破解

  • Ability to set different filters and customize them.
  • View detailed traffic statistics using classified data and various charts.
  • Ability to define traffic preference for different applications.
  • It has a firewall and blocking programs to prevent Internet connection.
  • Ability to define different limits for programs (both upload and download).
  • download netlimiter 4 pro 破解

    You can set specific traffic schedules to use only traffic within that range. The program shows you which program has the most traffic. Using this program, traffic can be displayed in the form of software and Internet connections. After installing this low-volume program, all the traffic volume and volume of the Internet are monitored accurately and in the form of regular charts and tables.

    download netlimiter 4 pro 破解

    NetLimiter is a software for managing and controlling Internet traffic.

    Download netlimiter 4 pro 破解